Sustainable Financing Through the Project Finance for Permanence Model

The Project Finance for Permanence – PFP – model is a sustainable financing tool that governments, Indigenous peoples, local communities, funders, and NGOs implement together to secure long-term management and durable for conservation areas through a single, comprehensive agreement. 

A PFP begins by uniting partners around an ambitious vision that combines conservation with community economic development. Together, these partners develop a comprehensive financial model and budget to guide the project, ensuring sustainable funding and long-term success.

Private and public donors commit funds to launch the project, which in turn unlocks substantial investments from the national government. Donor funds are only released once the full fundraising target is achieved, and a binding agreement is in place.

This single, binding agreement—signed by governments, civil society, and donors—secures the complete set of resources, funds, and commitments needed for the project.

At closing, financing is placed into an independent fund governed by the stakeholders involved.

As the PFP is implemented, the fund disburses payments according to the agreed financial plan and performance metrics. Over time, the government increases its financial contribution, eventually taking on the full, long-term responsibility for conservation costs.

Current PFP Projects & Deals

Currently, Enduring Earth is working with more than 100 partners, governments, Indigenous peoples and local communities, and funders across 12 PFP projects in 11 countries to durably protect more than 350 million hectares of ocean, lands, and freshwater – an area similar in size to India. These agreements include Herencia Colombia, Eternal Mongolia, and the Great Bear Sea PFP. This success is built on local leadership, co-development and governance, and the support of an engaged global community that is committed to this innovative and proven sustainable finance approach.


Herencia Colombia (Heritage Colombia)

Heritage Colombia PFP aims to safeguard the country’s incredible natural places by expanding and effectively managing more than 32 million hectares of Colombian landscapes and seascapes. The new and expanded protected areas under the initiative helped Colombia achieve its goal of protecting 30% of its oceans and seas and locks in a regional cluster of PFP initiatives that, together, provide permanent protections for approximately 12% of the entire Amazon rainforest.


Amazon Region Protected Areas for Life (ARPA for Life)

Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) for Life is the largest tropical forest protected areas program on Earth. Launched in 2014, ARPA for Life was created to expand, consolidate, and maintain Brazil’s 60-million-hectare network of protected areas, which will include 6 million hectares of new protected areas. By securing 15% of the Brazilian Amazon in strict and sustainable use protected areas, ARPA for Life is expected to avoid 1.4 billion tons of carbon emissions by 2050.


Bhutan for Life

Bhutan for Life is the first PFP initiative in Asia. Launched in 2018, Bhutan for Life permanently protects the nation’s 2-million-hectare network of protected areas and biological corridors and funds proper management of Bhutan’s protected area system—which constitutes 51% of the country, the highest percentage of land protected by any Asian country. Bhutan for Life also promotes renewable energy and biogas to reduce demand for firewood and forest degradation, community-based natural resource management, and resilient livelihoods.


Patrimonio Natural de Perú (Peru’s Natural Legacy)

Peru’s Natural Legacy was launched in 2019 and supports the expansion and effective management of 16.7 million hectares of the Peruvian Amazon, covering 87% of the country’s protected areas network. By protecting these forests from destruction, Peru’s Natural Legacy will secure the 6.7 billion metric tons of carbon they store, supporting greater resilience to climate change and benefitting 1.4 million people who depend on Peru’s rainforests for food, medicines, and clean energy.

British Columbia

Great Bear Rainforest Agreement

British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest stretches across 19 million acres, where old-growth forest shelters spirit bears and salmon thrive in the rivers. It is also the homeland of First Nations people who have cared for these forests, rivers and coastline for eons. In 2016, the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement – the world’s first PFP – was signed between First Nations and the provincial government, creating 5 million acres of new protected areas as well as sustainable management on millions of acres of forests. The project also supported the leadership of First Nations communities with millions of dollars invested in resource management.

Costa Rica

Forever Costa Rica

An historic agreement which closed in 2010, Forever Costa Rica secured $57 million in long-term financing and formulated a conservation and climate adaptation plan for the country’s marine and terrestrial protected areas. This PFP not only improved management effectiveness across all national parks, it also tripled the area of marine protection, filling a critical gap in the nation’s conservation efforts.  Costa Rica has now durably and permanently protected 12,950 square kilometers of terrestrial habitat and 11,650 square kilometers of marine habitat due to the innovative approach of the PFP.

Achieving durable conservation and commuity prosperity is essential for building resilience and advancing progress toward critical global biodiversity and climate targets. Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) offers a powerful mechanism to help meet the 2030 goals by securing carbon-rich ecosystems, protecting biodiversity, and fostering community resilience. In addition, PFPs ensure equitable and inclusive partnerships and deliver lasting social and environmental benefits.

Securing nature’s carbon: Intact ecosystems have a greater capacity to resist and adapt to climate change. Nature-based solutions such as conservation, restoration, and improved land management can provide one-third of the mitigation measures needed to hold global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius while also supporting ecosystems and communities in adapting to climate change. Enduring Earth will secure carbon stores to avoid greenhouse gas emissions by permanently protecting forests, grasslands, peatlands, mangroves, and other carbon-rich habitat. The PFP model offers a promising pathway for countries to deliver on their nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement.

Protecting nature and biodiversity: In December 2022 196 nations adopted the ‘Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’ at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The implementation of the sustainable finance PFP model is pivotal in driving progress toward the Global Biodiversity Framework’s key targets, notably Target 3 (protect 30% of lands and waters by 2030), Target 19 (resource mobilization), and Target 22 (inclusive and equitable decision-making).

By harnessing the impact of sustainable financing, we are not only working to safeguard the planet’s lands and waters, but also ensuring long-term funding for biodiversity and community development initiatives, while fostering inclusive governance structures, led through local leadership and collective action. With less than six years remaining to achieve the 2030 goals and targets outlined in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the PFP model is emerging as a critical source of durable funding amidst evolving financial and political landscapes.

Community benefits, resilience, and equitable partnerships: Local leadership in setting project goals is essential to establishing projects that will provide permanence for conservation. We work with Indigenous peoples—whose lands are home to more species around the world than anywhere else, protecting 80% of global biodiversity—and local communities to ensure that conservation and protection activities align with local values. Their active leadership and stewardship is paramount to lasting conservation and benefits for local cultures, economies, health, jobs, and future generations.

Prior to Enduring Earth, the founding partners had worked with five countries to conserve 87 million hectares of lands, ocean, and freshwater using the PFP model. The partnership was established in 2021, and since this time Enduring Earth has facilitated the agreement of three new PFPs, securing 89 million hectares in durable funding for long-term conservation and community development. Because this approach does not work everywhere, a rigorous vetting process is applied—grounded in science, policy, finance, and equity. The initial portfolio of projects were selected through a suite of criteria, where funding would be invested in places that are:

      • Ecologically important
      • Represent different biomes
      • Have direct benefits for communities
      • Are at-scale
      • Represent life on earth
Grazing horses at sunset, plateau Ukok, the junction of Russian, Mongolian and Chinese boarders